Headed to Australia? If the answer is yes and you’re in the neighborhood of the southern coastline of Victoria go see The Twelve Apostles. This wonder sits along the famous Great Ocean Road, and remains a staggering landmark that illuminates the country’s natural, rugged beauty. You won’t be disappointed with this one, trust us. To say it’s breathtaking is almost a disservice to all its splendor.

Picture this, sparkling aqua blues and white capped waves of the Antarctic Ocean tumbling effortlessly about with each ebb and flow of the tide, The Twelve Apostles standing mightily like stone giants in their depths, all the while being guarded by nearby cascading cliffs that seem to stretch to the ends of the earth. Out of all creation, these particular craftings are beyond what the mind can imagine – this is one of nature’s stop-you-dead-in-your-tracks and stare type of glories.

These limestone stacks, brought about by years of erosion due to rough seas and winds, were crumbled out of the former land mass that surrounded them. The “Twelve Apostles” were originally eight formations, however in 2005 one came down in a detrimental crash. Of course, the seven remaining will continue eroding, along with the neighboring cliffs. Because of the constant decay, more “apostles” are expected to form in the future out of those cliffs.

Twelve Apostles

As if nature wasn’t amazing enough, it created these amazing pillars out of the natural erosion process. And now we have the opportunity to soak it all in. Seriously, go see The Twelve Apostles in Australia.

They’re Easily Accessed, Visitor-Friendly, and Free

There are several highways and roads that will lead you directly to The Twelve Apostles. It all depends on which part of Victoria you’re traveling from, however we highly recommend taking The Great Ocean Road, B100 Highway! Its majority trails alongside the seashore, but also climbs up and down mountains, ventures through national parks, and even carries you through some gorgeous farmlands and quaint ocean-side villages.

Twelve Apostles

When you get there, the visitor’s center is on the opposite side of the road from the ocean and Apostles. It’s incredibly family-friendly. There’s plenty of history and information available inside the center, and it includes parking for cars up to caravans, toilets, and water fountains. From the visitor’s center, it’s a quick walk via a wide, flat passage that takes you under the Great Ocean Road and directly to the limestone stacks. It’s literally a .10 mile (.25 kilometers) walk. It isn’t strenuous, so kids and those with difficulty walking for long periods of time should be able to take on this short, easy hike.

Possibly the best part about going to see The Twelve Apostles is that it’s free! Parking and entry are both free. The only thing you’ll spend there is time – lots of it! You won’t want to leave. We’d put money on that.

See The Twelve Apostles, Change Your Life

Naturally, most people are drawn to Australia for the excitement of the outback, its world of unique animals, and even some of its notable, metropolitan cities. And, it’s probably safe to guess that much of the world pictures the wilds of the land down under before they ever picture its pristinely blue oceans. Well.. until massive surfing swells and Great Whites come into the picture, but that’s another topic all together… but now that you know that The Twelve Apostles exists, definitely put them on your radar! They’re mighty impressive, and truly an anomaly. We’ll even venture a guess that by setting your eyes onto something this spectacular will sincerely come as a life-altering moment. Yes, they’re that beautiful. Least of all you won’t be let down, so go see The Twelve Apostles in Australia.

Go See The Twelve Apostles