Best Hiking Tips for The Great Wall of China

The best hiking tips for The Great Wall of China come with a lot of practicality. A few things the ambitious adventurer should consider before tackling the monstrous stone giant include picking the right location, packing light, and really considering their level of physical fitness. This is, after all, the feat of a lifetime – make it as safe, efficient, and as enjoyable as possible! While many dream of scaling the mighty Wall, few ever make it there. So, if you’re one of the lucky ones that get to check this marvel of your list take it seriously.

It can not be stressed enough just how stressful portions of The Great Wall of China can be. Even fit people get winded, and for others it can take a real toll on their body. You don’t want to put yourself into a position where you’re stuck on the Wall, unsure of if and when you’ll make it back down. That is, of course, if you’re advancing past the typically touristed regions of The Great Wall of China for an actual hike.

So, for those excited to do a little bit more adventuring and to make your time in China worth while, we’ve devised some practical hiking tips to keep you safe during your trek.

Hiking tips to keep you safe on The Great Wall

First and foremost know your physical abilities and limits! The Great Wall of China is full of stairs, towers, and hills. Some parts of the wall are rebuilt, while others are completely ruinous. It is a very strenuous hike. Some stairs you literally have to CLIMB STRAIGHT UP and CLIMB STRAIGHT DOWN on. You’ll use your legs. You’ll use your arms. You’ll use your whole body for this one. Some practical steps you should consider doing before, during, and after your hike are this:

  • Basic stretches for all parts of the body
  • Drink plenty of water – hydration is important!
  • Go at a moderate pace/a steady pace you can handle
  • Rest when you need to

Hopefully you know your body. Listen to it! Prepare for this hike and it will certainly pay off. If you aren’t in pain or exhausted early on, your enjoyment level will be much higher, making for an even better experience.

Second, do some research on what portion or location of the Wall you’d like to hike. We sought out an assortment of terrain that was both very difficult and easy enough for a child to take on. Be sure to check into the same things. The Great Wall of China is a mixed bag when it comes down to its terrain, but undoubtedly almost all of it will include steep stairs and hills.

Next, and as we already mentioned, take plenty of water and energy-boosting snacks with you. You’re on the top of a mountain. It’s just you and nature and the Wall now. Clearly there are no water sources or canteens there. Calculate for enough food and water for the extent of your trip. This is very important.

Consider the time, season, and weather you’re trekking in.

We suggest starting your trip early in the morning. You don’t want to get stuck on The Great Wall after dark unless you’re equipped to deal with darkness.

Depending on the season will depend on the weather, of course. Summer might get a bit hot and winter has the potential for snow. The fall is quite brisk at night, but pleasant during the day so long as the sun is out and you’re wearing a jacket. Spring might be the ideal season, but also has the potential to be cool at times.

Cool weather may be prime for hiking, but on top of those mountains you’re completely exposed! It’s also incredibly windy at the top at times and the breeze will slice through you like a knife. Bear in mind that the sun can also be brutal, so pants, long-sleeved shirts, hats, and sunglasses are smart decisions for this hike.

Photos by Jane Ellyn, J.E. Photography,

Prepared hikers have the most fun

Undoubtedly tackling this colossus of a world wonder is an unforgettable experience. Truly consider these hiking tips for The Great Wall of China to make the most of your trek. When we hiked it ourselves we encountered many people on the Wall who were both ill-prepared and underprepared. Both of which were quite miserable and it waned on their excitement. Surely they were still in awe at their exploration, but there were definitely measures that could have been taken to make it an overall safer, better one. Your health and safety should always be the focus when taking on any type of physical challenge, and those who are prepare always come out ahead.

Now, go see The Great Wall of China, know your challenge, plan ahead, and surely you’ll have the most fun!

If you found our article Best Hiking Tips for The Great Wall of China helpful see our guide to packing light for a day hike at The Great Wall and learn about where we stayed on our own trip there!