Hiking light on The Great Wall of China is the way to go for day or half-day treks at the ancient anomaly. As one of the World’s most talked about explorations, many of us are simply eager to see it. While pros and hiking enthusiasts might be ready for a week-long expedition, the rest of us are satisfied with a day-long adventure. And if that sounds like you, don’t worry about over packing for one day, but prepare to take a few essential items and enjoy the trip of a lifetime!

Hiking light essentials you need for success

Don’t be weighed down with gear you don’t need, The Great Wall is incredibly strenuous at certain spots. We cannot emphasize enough just how tough trekking certain places were. There’s a mixed terrain that comes with The Great Wall, depending on which spot you choose to visit. We hiked around Chenjiapu, so we experienced anything from dilapidated ruins, and slithers of a path (that could have ended terribly if we put a foot out of line!), along with refurbished portions of the Wall. But, even the newer sections still had spots that were literally STRAIGHT UP and STRAIGHT BACK DOWN.

The more you carry the more it will add to your physical stress when tackling the stone giant – which could really ruin your trip! If this is something you’ve been dreaming of, seriously consider tapering your packing list to the bare essentials in order to lighten your load. It will afford you flexibility, help you save energy, and overall enhance your experience on The Great Wall if you aren’t hindered by anything. Hiking light makes all the difference.

This is a compiled list of what you’ll need, which is based on what we took on our own day-long venture, including a few things we wish we had! We’ll break down this list in just a bit.

  • Small pack/hiking day pack
  • Water
  • Energy boosting snacks
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Supportive/durable shoes
  • Hiking/athletic clothing
  • Extra layers/jacket
  • Camera/cellphone

Other items that could potentially enhance your trip, but certainly aren’t necessary, include:

  • Hiking/trekking poles
  • Binoculars

That’s it! That is literally all you’ll need for a day of hiking.

Light packing for a hike
Photos by Jane Ellyn J.E. Photography, http://janeellynaaron.com

Minimal, but efficient items are all you need for hiking light on The Great Wall of China

As you may well know, we’re believers in minimalist travel. The more we explore, the more we’ve found that having less is more. This was also true when we hiked The Great Wall. Taking nearly nothing with us coupled with a few other tips and tricks truly gave us a wonderful experience.

By the end of day we actually encountered a very large tour group that was camping on the Wall overnight. The brunt of their hike was spent winding steadily up the mountain to get to a ladder so they could scale onto the Wall, with their designated camping spot being maybe .5 mile away. From the ladder to their drop-off point was maybe two miles. Again, this is a strenuous hike, so for the distance they walked plus the time they were staying (overnight), they were carrying way too much! People were wearing large hiking packs laden down with who knows what. All we could see was that they were bulky, heavy, and imbalanced. The hikers were exhausted with the burden.

Carrying less definitely would have availed this group more! If they’d lightened their loads they could have handled the actual hike better and they would have enjoyed their experience more. So, with this is mind, let’s break down our suggested list for successfully hiking light on The Great Wall of China.


Obviously for a day or even a half-day this is crucial. There is no water on the top of a mountain and until you climb down again you’ll not be getting some anytime soon! Bracket for what you’ll need for a day if you can, or consider a hiking pack that includes a water bladder in it.

For our food, we took simple things. Hearty granola bars, nuts, and fruit are our go-tos for this sort of thing. Our personal favorites are the Lara Bars or RxBars. Nuts and fruit keep us going without making us feel too full or even sick when conducting this type of physical activity. Of course, after a long day of hiking on The Great Wall of China, you’ll be wholeheartedly ready for a feast fit for a king when you’re through!


While we did encounter people hiking in T-shirts and jeans, you’ll be a lot more comfortable if you wear some sort of athletic gear. Hiking apparel will also serve you better than stiff, heavy clothing. You will be climbing – LITERALLY CLIMBING – some parts of the wall. Availing yourself as much flexibility as possible will save your life.

As far as the weather is concerned, we ventured toward Beijing in early Fall. It was warm with a slight crisp in the air by day and quite chilly at night. Regardless, you’ll be on a mountain top with no protection from the elements. Wear an extra base layer or take a jacket that will help cut down on the blustering winds – it’s a must! If you’re going in warmer weather, at least make room in your pack for a the extra layer or jacket just in case.

The shoes you wear should be durable and well-broken in for tackling The Great Wall of China! However you wish is fine, but be sure to take care of your feet. You’ll be walking on them all day and on some very difficult terrain with varying elevations. We suggest shying away from new shoes, because they may give you further discomfort.

Again, you’ll be on a mountain top, and to shield yourself from the sun a hat and some shades will make a world of difference, as would wearing long-sleeved pants and shirts.

Camera and extra items:

Take your camera or cellphone with a good camera on it or else you will regret it! There is nothing so picturesque as The Great Wall seamlessly following the dips and rises of the mountains it sits atop. Trust us, this is a moment you’ll want to capture.

Now you won’t need the following two items, but they might help you in your trek. Hiking poles and binoculars could both prove to enhance your experience. Most avid hikers we’ve talked to swear that a good set of poles make all the difference. Personally, we didn’t take any, which was fine because so many portions of the Wall were literally like climbing an actual wall that the hiking poles might have gotten in our way. We did, however, encounter several people using them and they seemed to help.

On a personal account from my husband, he wishes he’d taken a pair of binoculars with him. The views from above are incredible, breathtaking, and he felt like he could’ve experienced more if he could’ve taken in even more of it.

The Great Wall of China

Pack light, experience more on your hike

In packing for hiking light on The Great Wall of China, after you’ve suited up the only items you should have in your day pack are your camera/cellphone, water, food, extra layer, and jacket. That should be relatively light and will only get lighter as your journey progresses. Trust us, this is for many the experience of a lifetime, so don’t incumber yourself with too much stuff. Consider carefully exactly what you’ll need for a day out on the Wall and let nature take its course, steering you through your adventure. It will be unforgettable and lot more fun if you aren’t loaded down with needless things!

If you found this article helpful, check out where we actually went to see The Great Wall of China. For tips and tricks for a successful hike on the Wall, check out our article on that too right here.